Greetings to my fellow colleagues,
I hope all is well with each of you.
The last several months of this year have been most interesting as we live with Covid-19.
In February, we had a very successful Winter Meeting in Hot Springs thanks to Maggie and all the folks that help her behind the scenes. Then March arrived, and the world we knew and the pace we were accustomed to drastically changed.
At the onset of the pandemic, Maggie, Rodney (our lobbyist) and members of the ArVMA executive board were staying in close contact with the AVMA and our state government on how this could affect Veterinary Medicine and our practices. It is my understanding from visiting with several colleagues in my area that most veterinary clinics are staying very busy. All the while having to modify how clients and patients are seen. Please note that the AVMA has very informative links on their website for veterinarians to reference if needed.
The executive board met via Zoom. At this time, we will plan to have a Winter meeting in Hot Springs at the Convention Center. There may be some modification required as there is a lot to be determined. Unfortunately, SWVS was cancelled due to the many challenges of that size convention meeting safety and effectively.
Please be aware that Arkansas’ General Assembly – Legislative Session will convene January. 11th, 2021. At the current time, we know of no bills that could potentially affect our Veterinary Practice Act. However, Rodney Baker and our legislative committee will be monitoring for any activity that could affect our profession. Please, continue to be aware of who your legislators are, and be willing to contact them if the need arises.
I hope that all of you, your families and staff stay healthy in the midst of Covid-19. Hopefully, we will soon see the decline in case numbers.
Feel free to reach out to Maggie or myself if the ArVMA can be of any assistance to you.
J. Paul Jenkins D.V.M.
Vilonia Animal Clinic