If you or someone you know would like to be included in the listing of Arkansas Relief Vets, please contact us or call the Association office 501-868-3036 or fax 501-868-3034. To be REMOVED from the list, E-MAIL the Association office.
Vet Name | University | Phone | Location | |
Natalie Schildroth | LSU - 2022 | (318) 614-1026 | dr.natalieffac@gmail.com | Little Rock |
Elry E. Phillips | University of Missouri - 1971 | (417) 848-9286 | vetprodist@aol.com | Arkansas & Missouri |
Kindall Jones | LSU - 1991 | (210) 310-9062 | razorbackoinkers@gmail.com | Southwest Arkansas |
Marlow Ball | LSU - 2010 | (501) 516-6813 | NoplacelikehomeARVet@gmail.com | Little Rock |
Jonathan Bradshaw | UGA CVM - 2011 | (870)260-1942 | jbrad84@gmail.com | |
Vivian Chwalinski | LSU | (479) 739-8600 | ||
Gary Farwell | Cal-Davis - 1977 | (479) 251-7722 | ||
Newton Foster | LSU - AR - 1982 | (870) 942-9915 / (870) 941-9558 (Cell) | Sheridan | |
Rebecca Fryar | TEN - AR - 1999 | (479) 968-2664 | Russellville | |
Paula Gibson | WSU - 1987 | (605) 254-6014 | PaulaVet@aol.com | Little Rock & surrounding area |
Karen Hooks | Tuskegee - AL - 1988 | (501) 223-5400 | Little Rock | |
Rodger Lindsay | LSU - 1982 | (318) 366-6711 | Will cover any part of AR | |
Steven Nelson | KSU - AR - 1981 | (501) 454-5924 | Little Rock | |
Sarah Sexton | OSU - 2008 | (870) 421-6603 | Mountain Home/River Valley Area | |
Joe Smith | OK - AR - 1967 | (501) 920-0186 | Little Rock | |
Lori Smith | LSU - AR - 1999 | (501) 733-6310 | Conway | |
Carolyn Stewart | LSU - 1982 | (501) 269-3725 | Conway | |
Debbie Waggener | OK - 1995 | (479) 750-0677 | Springdale | |
Whitney Howell | Mississippi State University - 2020 | (501) 749-8170 | wmhowell87@gmail.com | Little Rock/North Little Rock |